Arduino shield board outline in gEDA format

I have been working on a few different shield boards for the Arduino platform. In an attempt to make life easier for myself I created a couple starter files for my future projects. The zip file below includes a schematic and PCB file in gEDA format. The board has the four headers and mounting holes for an Arduino shield board. I’ve decided to release the files into the wild for anyone to use.

Arduino shield outline schematic and layout files in gEDA format (zip file)

These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

ShieldOutline gEDA Schematic
ShieldOutline gEDA PCB layout

13 Responses to “Arduino shield board outline in gEDA format”

  1. snowman says:


  2. […] shield board outline in gEDA format @ Low Voltage Labs. Eric writes: I have been working on a few different shield boards for the Arduino platform. In an […]

  3. Paul says:

    Many thanks!

  4. Lanthan says:

    This is Great! Thank you!


  5. Jelle Haandrikman says:

    Just what I needed for my project.

  6. Mike R says:

    A big thanks!

  7. Anatole says:


    Thanks a lot for sharing. It’s exactly what’s I’m looking for.

  8. Keith says:

    Could i fund the development of an outline for the Auduino Mega 2560?

    I don’t mind spending a bit if i have something that i know works 🙂

    • Eric says:

      Hi Keith,
      Sorry I’ve moved away from using gEDA and now use KiCAD. Otherwise I might take you up on the offer. Have you tried posting to the gEDA mailing list?

  9. Keith says:

    Do you have arduino shield templates for pcb?

  10. Keith says:

    Ahh… I mean kicad

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