Pumpkin PCB files in KiCAD format

KiCAD - pumpkin PCB layout

This year at the Seattle and Portland Mini Maker Faires I did a presentation on getting started with designing your own PCB using KiCAD. In this presentation as an example I created a pumpkin shaped PCB with a candle like flickering LED.

Here are the KiCAD schematic and PCB layout files to use as the starting point for your own project:
KiCAD schematic and PCB files (zip file)

These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

You can see photos of the actual PCB on Flickr:
Great Pumpkin PCB photos

The Pumpkin PCB is now also available as a kit:
Low Voltage Labs Pumpkin PCB kit

The Great Pumpkin PCB on a pumpkin!

6 Responses to “Pumpkin PCB files in KiCAD format”

  1. […] started with designing your own PCB using KiCAD. In this presentation as an example I created a pumpkin shaped PCB with a candle-like flickering LED. I’m releasing the KiCAD schematic and PCB layout files to […]

  2. David says:

    So where do you get the flickering LED? I don’t see any part numbers or bill of materials.

  3. David A. says:

    Just wanted to thank Eric for these great (and fun!) kits. I received three yesterday and built one late last night (yeah, I was excited). They work perfectly!

    Will be building the other two with my boys soon 🙂

    Thanks Eric!

  4. […] new kit from Eric at Low Voltage Labs via Evil Mad Science. Eric over at Low Voltage Labs has posted up his design for a simple PCB ideal […]

  5. The boys put their kits together and loved it! Especially little Tucker. I can’t believe that at 8 he could do it, but he did — all by himself.

    Here are some pictures of him at work.


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