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Visit Low Voltage Labs at the Bay Area Maker Faire 2013

Bay Area Maker Faire Web BadgeThe Bay Area Maker Faire is only a few days away. Visit Low Voltage Labs and Samurai Circuits we will have a booth located in south central part of the Expo building, booth #520.


LinuxFest Northwest 2013 presentation

LinuxFest Northwest 2013 presentation

Thanks to everyone who attended my presentation at LinuxFest Northwest 2013 on Sunday. The presentation was an overview of how to connect your Raspberry Pi to the outside world using the GPIO.
Raspberry Pi GPIO for the software geek

You can download a PDF of the slides I used for the presentation from the LinuxFest Northwest site:
Raspberry Pi GPIO for the software geek PDF slides

Already looking forward to LinuxFest Northwest 2014!

Low Voltage Labs now has an events page

Keep up to date on our future happens with the events page. The page lists upcoming events that Low Voltage Labs will be attending as well as events we’ve attended in the past.

Coming soon:

Photos from the Portland Mini Maker Faire 2012

Thanks to everyone who visited the Low Voltage Labs booth at the Portland Mini Maker Faire.

Portland Mini Maker Faire 2012

Portland Mini Maker Faire 2012

You can see more photos from the Portland Mini Maker Faire on Flickr or Google Plus.

Portland Mini Maker Faire starts tomorrow

Low Voltage Labs at Portland Maker Faire 2012
The Low Voltage Labs booth is all setup for the Portland Mini Maker Faire starting tomorrow.
Hope to see you there.

VideoOverlayShield demo at Portland Maker Faire 2012

Low Voltage Labs at Portland Maker Faire 2012

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